lessons from a bird - the search for greatness

I recently discovered this vlogger guy Casey Neistat. He's a web-celeb, or what is now usually referred to as a social media 'influencer', thanks to his over 3 million subscribers on YouTube. Every day he adds more subscribers than my entire YouTube channel. To celebrate this landmark, he opened the kimono and revealed the secrete to his success. There are three words, said Neistat; "Just Keep Uploading"

Ah! Persistence.  Long suffering, immutable persistence in the face of apparent failure. So this is another piece of the greatness puzzle that I have found.

This bird appears to understand the principle well. I watched it try for over half an hour on the same spot, dipping its head into the water in an attempt to catch some fish ( for dinner I assume).  It must have failed over 20 times before finally emerging with a wiggler in its beak.  Success, it seems, is the endpoint of multiple failures that is only reached by sustained persistence.


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