potbelly and the zenit

I took the Zenit 12XP - the camera I'm currently reviewing - out for a spin the other day. I ended up in Potbelly in Westfield, Stratford.  It's a big bright colourful American eatery that claims to be a 'sandwich shop'.  I can report that it is much more than that. They do some other things well, coffee being one of them. Above all, they do it in bold, beautiful colours.

I couldn't resist taking some photos of the Zenit with all the delicious yellow and custard-coloured tiles and table mats. Ironically, photography is not allowed in the Westfield complex itself unless there is a person posing for it, i.e., unless you're taking a selfie or photographing a person you know. This is apparently for 'security' reasons. Whatever.

Anyhow, I love Potbelly. I love the big windows and the quality of light in there. I will be back there soon to take photos of some of my other cameras for sure.


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