understanding light

Disclaimer! This post contains sponsored links to Craftsy.  I am an affiliate of theirs which means if you click one of the sponsored links below and buy anything on their site, I may get a small referral from them.

Film shooters are often reminded, when the above happens, what indeed the 'photo' in photography means.  Digital photography at times takes our mind away from this fact.  We can shoot RAW and correct for exposure and white balance later.  I'm not quite sure you can fix a light leak in post though :)

Having said that, sometimes you are lucky the light leak ads a certain beauty to the photo.  I kind of like what happened in the above photo.

Back to photo, or shall I say 'light'; Digital or Analog, a better understanding of light is bound to improve anyone's photography.  And I am one of those people that keeps learning from others, professionals and amateurs alike.  I took this great course "The Essentials for Understanding Light" by Alan Thornton.  The instructor, Alan, is an expert fine art photographer amongst other things, so his knowledge of light really shines through [excuse me :) ].  The material was clearly presented and simple, without being patronising.

If you are interested, all the courses are now on sale during the holiday season -  $19.99 or less. There are several photography related ones here.

It's not just photography related. Below are the other crafts some of you may be interested in. Once you enrol you'll own your Craftsy classes forever, so you can watch them at your pace in the comfort of your home, anytime.  Or give them as presents to your loved ones this Christmas.

Run Time: Saturday 12/20 thru Thursday 12/25 at 11:59PM MT 


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