fancy a snog?

With summer in full swing, I considered it perfectly sensible to pop into Snog in Covent Garden for a quick one.  Not only because it let me indulge in some sickeningly delicious desserts while pretending to be healthy, it also reminded me of a similar place I found while visiting Spain last year.  It was a haven from the blazing sunshine of the Andalusian coast.

The interior is a wonder to behold.  A bizarre mix of fresh and psychedelic.  Despite their insistence on asking you about your first snog, I found the place very strangely pleasant.  You are served up some mouth watering frozen desserts of your choosing by a distinctly beautiful staff.  No seriously, they're all extremely good looking.  In fact, the whole thing was a bit too perfect - the kind of perfect that makes you think surely there's something wrong somewhere.


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